Event Information
Aerospace 2010
Aerospace 2010:
Challenges and Opportunities at the
Dawn of a New Decade
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Keynote Speaker: Jane Poynter
Biosphere 2 Crew Member & President of Paragon Space Development Corporation
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Regina Dugan
Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Followed by panel discussions, including:
- The Vital Role of Aerospace Assets in National Security
- The Future of Human Space Flight
- Implementing the Next Generation Air Transportation System
Day-long Career Fair: featuring the top aerospace companies in the world
and job seekers from universities, retiring military and around the industry
An afternoon reception celebrating 25 years of women in aerospace!
For a complete agenda, list of speakers, registration and schedule for the day, click here.
Thanks to our generous sponsors:
Current sponsorship opportunities
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